Mattheus 12:22

SVToen werd tot Hem gebracht een van den duivel bezeten, [die] blind en stom [was]; en Hij genas hem, alzo dat de blinde en stomme beide sprak en zag.
Steph τοτε προσηνεχθη αυτω δαιμονιζομενος τυφλος και κωφος και εθεραπευσεν αυτον ωστε τον τυφλον και κωφον και λαλειν και βλεπειν

tote prosēnechthē autō daimonizomenos typhlos kai kōphos kai etherapeusen auton ōste ton typhlon kai kōphon kai lalein kai blepein

Alex τοτε προσηνεχθη αυτω δαιμονιζομενος τυφλος και κωφος και εθεραπευσεν αυτον ωστε τον κωφον λαλειν και βλεπειν
ASVThen was brought unto him one possessed with a demon, blind and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the dumb man spake and saw.
BEThen they took to him one with an evil spirit, who was blind and had no power of talking: and he made him well so that he had the power of talking and seeing.
Byz τοτε προσηνεχθη αυτω δαιμονιζομενος τυφλος και κωφος και εθεραπευσεν αυτον ωστε τον τυφλον και κωφον και λαλειν και βλεπειν
DarbyThen was brought to him one possessed by a demon, blind and dumb, and he healed him, so that the dumb [man] spake and saw.
ELB05Dann wurde ein Besessener zu ihm gebracht, blind und stumm; und er heilte ihn, so daß der Blinde und Stumme redete und sah.
LSGAlors on lui amena un démoniaque aveugle et muet, et il le guérit, de sorte que le muet parlait et voyait.
Peshܗܝܕܝܢ ܩܪܒܘ ܠܗ ܕܝܘܢܐ ܚܕ ܕܚܪܫ ܘܥܘܝܪ ܘܐܤܝܗ ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܚܪܫܐ ܘܤܡܝܐ ܢܡܠܠ ܘܢܚܙܐ ܀
SchDa wurde ein Besessener zu ihm gebracht, der blind und stumm war, und er heilte ihn, so daß der Blinde und Stumme redete und sah.
WebThen was brought to him one possessed with a demon, blind and dumb; and he healed him, so that the blind and dumb both spoke and saw.
Weym At that time a demoniac was brought to Him, blind and dumb; and He cured him, so that the dumb man could speak and see.

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